Sitting Bull 1983-1984
In 1983, the Peter Moores Foundation commissioned the work for As of Now, curated by William Feaver,
the Observer Art Critic, for a biannual exhibition of contemporary art at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool.
Following some studies in chalk and plaster, the cement sculpture was made as a prelude to the large work in 1984.
Dhruva was already working on the theme of large round form Sitting Bull which was later commissioned by the Merseyside Development
Corporation in Liverpool in 1984. The sands and cement work was made on the site and exhibited at the International Garden Festival in Liverpool and was
made on the site with sand and cement. Now the work is relocated on the Mersey docks.
Sitting Bull 1983-1984
Reclining Woman 1986-1988
Victoria Square Sculptures 1991-1993
Diagram of an Object 1987-1988 Spatial Diagram 1987-1995 Spatial Tria-Diagram 2003-2013 Reguarding Guardians of Art 1988-1989
The Object 1995-2004
ALoC: The Object 1997-2001
Goddess of Love 2002
Swastika 2003-2004
True (after Uno II 2003) 2003-2004
Reclining and Seated Figures (variation II) 2004-2005
Primal Reconstruct 5mm Stainless Steel 2004-2007
